Backyard concert series at Jefferson Landing: The Boomer Generation Music Club

Downtown Jefferson City MO, United States

Boomer Generation Music Club, featuring 5-part vocal harmonies, will be playing hits from the late 60’s and early 70’s as part of the Backyard Concert Series sponsored by Missouri State Parks. Concert starts at 7pm at Jefferson Landing in downtown Jefferson City, and is free. Bring your yard chair. The entire area is shaded.


Jefferson City Cantorum choral concert

Downtown Jefferson City MO, United States

We'll be "singing up a storm" at our Forces of Nature concert. Singin' in the Rain, Here comes the Sun, What a Wonderful World, Too Darn Hot

$3 – $25

Sip N Shop in Downtown Jefferson City

Downtown Jefferson City MO, United States

Our annual event pairing local shops and merchants with Missouri's wines is back again for 2022! Stay tuned for more details!